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The Personal Connection Podcast: Finding Purpose and Focus in a Modern World – Is it time to embrace a new change?

In a world where it's easy to stay safely embedded in your lane, not straying too far from your path and 'what you know', are you missing out on your true potential? Is it time to reconnect, reevaluate, and reinvigorate your thinking and take control of your life? If you want to feel truly fulfilled, now could really be the perfect time to take that leap.

Personal Development Podcast Interview with Tessa Richter

Embrace science, take on board fresh thoughts and breathe. It’s time to reconnect. Time to reevaluate. Time to unlock your true potential.

As the world continues to move around us, is it time to step back and take a look at things?
Is it time to take a chance, make a change, and embrace your true potential?
Is it time to remember what your heart desired when you were a teenager, and reconnect with your true path?

On a podcast that is focussed on connection, it was a bizarre connection that brought together a conversation with Tessa Richter – a lady who has been a classical musician for 30 years, and an artist, and is now embracing a new direction helping to empower new leaders.

Transition and transferrable skills are a cornerstone of this interview, and it’s fascinating realising how your existing path can help open totally new doors…

As a musician and creative, I connected with Tessa from the start, and found a really interesting professional connection in our approach. 

This interview is packed with topics – from ideas on resetting the mind, resetting the heart, and beginning to open the door to understanding the coherence and connection between the business world and our inner health and minds. When we start getting in to scientific depth, you begin to realise this isn’t a light idea, it’s something truly transformational. 

If like me you’re inspired after hearing from Tessa, you can find out more at:
